International Youth Day
Yesterday, Tuesday 12th August marked the day of awareness for International Youth Day. The theme of International Youth Day 2014 is “Youth and Mental Health”. The day aims to raise awareness on this important topic as well as highlighting the experiences of brave, young individuals who have chosen to speak out about these issues. International Youth Day creates awareness for overcoming stigma anddiscrimination to ensure that young people with mental health conditions can lead full and healthy life’s free from isolation and unnecessary shame. They want young people to openly seek the services and support they need.
The United Nations publication shows that 20% of the world’s young people experience a mental health condition each year. These risks are heightened through the childhood to adulthood transition. The United Nations wants to help lift the veil that keeps young people locked in a chamber of isolation and silence. There are countries where the issues of mental health are ignored and there is a lack of investment in mental health services which can create challenging barriers. This leaves them more vulnerable to poverty,violence and social exclusion and has a negative impact of society as a whole.
We need to remember that with understanding and assistance; these young people can flourish, making valuable contributions to the world’s collective future. Wide-ranging efforts at all levels are needed to raise awareness about the importance of investing in and supporting young people with mental health conditions.
To find out more or to ask your mental health questions please follow @UN4Youth.