Hip Fractures and Hip Protectors
Did you know?
Hip fractures cost the NHS around £2 billion annually.
There are approximately 65,000 hip fractures each year in the UK, which leads to around 4000 hospital beds being occupied by hip fracture patients, at any one time. There are 71% of patients who receive surgery within two days of their hip fracture, and the average stay in hospital after surgery is between 19 and 20 days.
This puts extra pressure on the NHS as they require more staff to ensure that safe care is being provided, meaning it costs more money to pay for the extra staffing that is required.
Generally patients with hip fractures will need an air mattress. There can be a high demand for air mattresses, because patients with hip fractures have reduced movement, which means pressure sores have to be prevented. If there aren’t enough air mattresses, then a patient with a hip fracture, has to be turned ever two hours, to help prevent pressure sores. This takes a minimum of two staff members, to a maximum of four staff members. So pressure is put upon staff members to ensure that patients are receiving the upmost care.
Hip Fractures:
The cause of Hip fractures are often by either a fall or a direct blow to the side of the hip. If you have a medical condition, (Osteoporosis, Cancer or stress related injuries). Your hip bone can be weakened, which means you could be at a higher risk of a hip fracture.
Symptoms of a Hip fracture:
- You are unable to move immediately after a fall.
- You get severe pain in your hip or groin.
- You get bruising, swelling and stiffness around your hip.
- You are unable to stand or put weight on your leg.
Preventing Hip Fractures:
- Ensure that you get enough calcium and vitamin D.
- Participate in regular exercise to strengthen your bones and improve your balance.
- Make sure that your home is safe, ensuring that you have no objects on the floor that could make you trip over or cause a fall.
Using Hip Protectors:
Hip Protectors can prevent broken bones or hip fractures. They help to reduce the impact of a fall and lower the likelihood of a hip fracture. A lot of Hip Protectors feature impact absorbing foam pads over the critical hip fracture area, which help protect against fall related injuries.
Hip protectors are designed to be comfortable and suitable to also wear when sleeping, in case of a fall out of bed. They are also designed to provide extra cushioning for the individual.
Hip protectors would be very beneficial to elderly people who are at a high risk of falling, whether that may be at home, or in a care home.