Did you know?? Hip Fractures are a major public health issue due to an ever increasing ageing population. Now 1 in 3 babies are expected to celebrate their 100th birthday which is causing pressures on healthcare and social services. As a result of an ageing population, falls are becoming more apparent in elderly care. Victims of falls over the age of 65 occupy hospital beds for more than 4 million days a year in England costing in excess of £26 billion annually. Annual health care costs for treating falls in England and Wales are in excess of £15 million per year and rising.
Falls are the most common reason that elderly people fracture a hip. Around 70,000 – 75,000 hip fractures occur every year and costs including medical and social care are around £2billion per year. Studies have shown that hip protectors help prevent hip fractures in older people by reducing the impact of a fall. Repton Medical supply a wide range of hip protectors for innerwear and outerwear. Our hipster garments include jogging trousers, shorts and briefs.
Our hipsters…
• Consist of energy absorbing foam pads sewn into poly-cotton-lycra briefs.
• The pads are positioned directly over the hip and help reduce the risk of fractures by absorbing the force or impact of a fall.
• Hipsters feature soft, low profile foam pads that are virtually undetectable under clothing.
• Hips are available in either styles to meet a variety of clinical needs which can help improve patient/resident acceptance and compliance.
To see our full range of Posey Hipsters please visit our website or alternatively call us fora falls demonstration.