Perfect Protection for Casts and Dressings – September 2018
After the initial trauma of a breakage or wound damage to a limb, perhaps the next step in your recovery journey is trying to get your life back to some form of normality whilst wearing a plaster cast or dressing.
Everyday tasks need to be reconsidered and thought about, and unfortunately the things we take for granted such as pain management, movement and mobility are not the issues to plan for.
The patient needs to consider the actual plaster cast or dressing itself apart from regularly assessment by a Health Care Professional, it will need care and attention to aid the recovery process.
For example, something as simple as not getting your non-waterproof casts or dressing wet whilst showering, washing and bathing is crucial, and especially in a younger or elderly patient’s.
As a result of the conventional padding inside a cast getting wet, it won't dry. Neither will the skin next to it. That can cause significant problems, including skin infection, skin death and sometimes permanent scarring. So, they always would need to be recovered immediately and replaced if they are water damaged at all.
Protection for the casts and dressings is crucial to aid recovery, whilst maintaining a healthy life and recovery.
Shower Guards give that protection, they are a clean and waterproof protection guard for anyone who has recently had surgery and is currently wearing a cast, bandage or dressing. Whilst wearing a shower guard, you would be able to shower, bathe and wash without the worry that the cast or dressing will be damaged or cause further complexions.
Shower guards are very easy to use and can be fitted perfectly by anyone, even with an injury or plastered limb, such as an arm or leg . They are easily applied with a single hand and therefore great for the younger and older patient.
Repton Medical have a range of Shower Guard protection for Hands, Feet, Arms and Legs, visit the website today
Or Call the team for advice; Tel ; 01909 724890 .
Hip Fractures and Hip Protectors
Did you know?
Hip fractures cost the NHS around £2 billion annually.
There are approximately 65,000 hip fractures each year in the UK, which leads to around 4000 hospital beds being occupied by hip fracture patients, at any one time. There are 71% of patients who receive surgery within two days of their hip fracture, and the average stay in hospital after surgery is between 19 and 20 days.
This puts extra pressure on the NHS as they require more staff to ensure that safe care is being provided, meaning it costs more money to pay for the extra staffing that is required.
Generally patients with hip fractures will need an air mattress. There can be a high demand for air mattresses, because patients with hip fractures have reduced movement, which means pressure sores have to be prevented. If there aren’t enough air mattresses, then a patient with a hip fracture, has to be turned ever two hours, to help prevent pressure sores. This takes a minimum of two staff members, to a maximum of four staff members. So pressure is put upon staff members to ensure that patients are receiving the upmost care.
Hip Fractures:
The cause of Hip fractures are often by either a fall or a direct blow to the side of the hip. If you have a medical condition, (Osteoporosis, Cancer or stress related injuries). Your hip bone can be weakened, which means you could be at a higher risk of a hip fracture.
Symptoms of a Hip fracture:
- You are unable to move immediately after a fall.
- You get severe pain in your hip or groin.
- You get bruising, swelling and stiffness around your hip.
- You are unable to stand or put weight on your leg.
Preventing Hip Fractures:
- Ensure that you get enough calcium and vitamin D.
- Participate in regular exercise to strengthen your bones and improve your balance.
- Make sure that your home is safe, ensuring that you have no objects on the floor that could make you trip over or cause a fall.
Using Hip Protectors:
Hip Protectors can prevent broken bones or hip fractures. They help to reduce the impact of a fall and lower the likelihood of a hip fracture. A lot of Hip Protectors feature impact absorbing foam pads over the critical hip fracture area, which help protect against fall related injuries.
Hip protectors are designed to be comfortable and suitable to also wear when sleeping, in case of a fall out of bed. They are also designed to provide extra cushioning for the individual.
Hip protectors would be very beneficial to elderly people who are at a high risk of falling, whether that may be at home, or in a care home.
Specialists In Seating and Positioning Aids
Good Posture
The word ‘posture’ is by which a person holds their body by sitting or standing. The importance of good posture is to keep your bones and joints in the correct position to ensure that your muscles are being used correctly. Good posture aids the decrease in abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could lead to arthritis, and it also prevents your spine developing an abnormal position.
Good posture helps with your respiratory and digestive system and it also helps promote many other health benefits.
Poor Posture
Poor posture can damage your back and cause poor digestion when sitting, standing or laying incorrectly, this can compress your digestive organs, leaving them unable to function as they should. Not only can this be very uncomfortable, it can also lead to ill health problems, having poor posture can also restrict oxygen and blood flow, which leads to difficulty in breathing and speaking. This means that it could be difficult to participate in other more essential moving activities, due to an increased demand for oxygen.
How can you improve your posture?
- If possible, stand up and stretch every thirty minutes; this will allow your organs to receive the oxygen they need.
- Exercise; If you focus on physical activity that builds and strengthens your core, it will be much easier to maintain a positive posture.
- When sitting on a chair; keep your back straight against the chair, and both feet flat on the ground, with your knees at hip level.
- Use pillows while sleeping or proper sleep systems; they provide support for your back, helping to improve your posture while lying down. For more information on our sleep system, visit our website;
Next week between the 23rd and 25th of July 2018 is the annual Posture and Mobility Group Conference! (PGM) Come and join us and explore our great range of products!
The PGM conference is a huge event that provides industry exhibition, an educational programme, and networking events for all professionals that work within the posture and mobility sector. This event is all about the posture and mobility needs of wheelchair users, but it is also extremely useful and beneficial to professionals that specialise in other elaborate seating needs.
The conference runs between Monday 23rd - Wednesday 25th July 2018, at Manchester Central.
AtLibertyHealth will be on stand number 22.
Posture & Mobility Annual Conference 2018
Manchester Central
The word posture is defined by which a person holds their body by sitting or standing. The importance of good posture is to keep your bones and joints in the correct position to ensure that your muscles are being used correctly. Good posture aids the decrease in abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could lead to arthritis, and it also prevents your spine developing an abnormal position. Good posture contributes to a good appearance and prevents back and muscular pain. Having poor posture can damage your back, and cause poor digestion because poor posture when you are sitting compresses your digestive organs, leading them unable to function as they should.
This event focuses on the posture and mobility needs of wheelchair users and those with complex seating and positioning needs.
Come and join us at the 2018 Posture and Mobility Conference this July!
The PGM conference is a huge event that provides industry exhibition, an educational programme, and networking events for all professionals that work within the posture and mobility sector. This event is all about the posture and mobility needs of wheelchair users, but it is also extremely useful and beneficial to professionals that specialise in other elaborate seating needs.
The conference runs between Monday 23rd - Wednesday 25th July 2018, at Manchester Central.
AtLibertyHealth will be on stand number 22.
We will be bringing along our Liberty products. Here are some examples of the kind of products we will be bringing with us:
Time is of the essence. We look forward to seeing you there with all our amazing products!
The NHS was launched by the Health Secretary Aneurin Bevan in 1948 at Park Hospital in Manchester and he was in charge of bringing hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists together. The idea was that good healthcare should be available to all people, despite their wealth. When everything came into place on July 5th 1948 it was based on three principles:
- To meet the needs of everyone
- For it to be free
- To be based on clinical need
These have been the three core principles of the NHS over the past 70 years and still remain the same.
Life expectancy has risen over the years
Then |
Now |
Male |
65 years |
76 years |
Female |
70 years |
81 years |
The Retirement Age has Changed
Then |
Now |
Male |
65 years |
65-67 years |
Female |
60 years |
65-67 years |
The NHS cares for over 1 million patients every 36 hours. All staff that work within the NHS deserve a huge thank you and lots of appreciation for all the amazing care and treatment that they deliver to us. Without the NHS we would not have all the extremely helpful and educational information that we do.
Without the NHS, medical attention would not be free at the point of access. Lower income families may not seek medical attention with the potential to decrease life expectancy.
The risk that medical assistance would only be accessible for the higher income families goes against the very ethos of the health sector professional’s beliefs. With no NHS, staff availability would decrease since the majoritycome into the profession to do good and help all walks of life, not just for those who can afford it. We should all be extremely grateful for having the NHS as it is an amazing service and we are very lucky to have it!
The NHS provides lots of jobs and careers, for people to be able to make a living, but for them to also be able to make a difference to others lives. We have lots of professionals who will work hour after hour doing their best and giving you the best care possible. The NHS is not something that we should take for granted, we should appreciate it and thank all members of the NHS for all the amazing hard work that they do.